Hear from Herron dean Greg Hull on this week’s Omnibus Show

On Monday, The Omnibus Show welcomed Greg Hull, Dean of Herron School of Art, IUPUI in Indianapolis, and also serves as a Commissioner on the Indiana Arts Commission.


Learn about Hull’s experiences, from a childhood in Richmond, Ind., to having his art shown in galleries and museums nationwide. Find out about his artistic interests and the various honors his art has garnered for him.

The Omnibus Show is Carmel’s No. 1 podcast, hosted by Dave Gibbs and produced for people who love interviews of interesting and accomplished people and who are life learners themselves.

Hull, a professor at Herron School of Art, was appointed dean in 2021. As a professor, he taught courses in foundation studies and sculpture. Prior to joining the school, he taught in the Sculpture Department at Kansas City Art Institute.

He received his B.F.A. degree from the Kansas City Art Institute in 1985, then attended the University of Delaware, where he received his M.F.A. in 1991.

As an artist, his work largely focuses on public art. His current research, in collaboration with an art therapist and neurologist, uses technology to develop tools and methods that contribute to healing and the quality of life for patients and families navigating neurodegenerative diseases within the healthcare system.

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Next week’s guest on The Omnibus Show will be John Murphy, Chairman of St. Vincent’s Foundation. He will share his life’s journeys and accomplishments, most recently the move that brought him from New York to central Indiana.

About The Omnibus Show
The Omnibus Show is Carmel’s No. 1 podcast, hosted by Dave Gibbs and produced for people who love interviews of interesting and accomplished people and who are life learners themselves.

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