Richardson honored for her 26 years of service in General Assembly

State Rep. Kathy Richardson was honored by her Statehouse colleagues for her more than two decades in the House of Representatives. (Photo provided)

Members of the House of Representatives recently honored retiring State Rep. Kathy Kreag Richardson (R-Noblesville) for her 26 years representing House District 29.

“Serving Hamilton County in the House of Representatives for 26 years has been an honor and privilege,” Richardson said. “Choosing to retire from this position was a difficult decision, but I look forward to pursuing other opportunities in the community. Being a state lawmaker has been such a significant part of who I am, and I have many great memories and lasting friendships that I can hold dear in the next chapter of my life.”

Richardson will continue her term in office until the Nov. 6 election.

As the House Majority Caucus chair, Richardson leads meetings and provides guidance to fellow members and staff. She is also an Indiana Legislative Council member who helps oversee nonpartisan legislative staff.

She serves as chair and vice chair of numerous committees, including the House Committee on Elections and Apportionment, the House Committee on Ethics, the House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code, the House Committee on Judiciary and the House Committee on Local Government. Richardson helped lead efforts to establish online voter registrations and vote centers throughout the state.

“Kathy is a true public servant who places the needs of Hoosiers and the integrity of the institution above all else,” said House Speaker Brian Bosma (R-Indianapolis). “We have served alongside one another for over 20 years, and she is an invaluable member of our team who always shows great leadership and heart. Kathy was also the first female elected to a caucus leadership position in our state’s history. Her experience on the local level, especially with elections, has helped expand the use of vote centers, centralize the counting of absentee ballots and strengthen our election laws. Kathy is a dear friend whose presence at the Statehouse will be missed by members and staff alike. We wish her the very best in her next adventure as she looks to continue her public service.”

Richardson is a Noblesville High School graduate and attended Purdue University. She is an election administrator for the Hamilton County Clerk’s Office and is involved with the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce, Hamilton County 4-H Council and Hamilton County Historical Society.

She and her husband, Perry Williams, are often at local sporting events rooting for the hometown teams.