Millers girls lacrosse beats HSE

The Noblesville Millers varsity girls lacrosse team scored their first victory of the season by defeating an aggressive Hamilton Southeastern team 10-5 on Monday evening, improving their record to 1-1-1.
The Millers were lead by senior goalkeeper Meredith Hayes, who stopped 13 shots by the Royals. The leading scorer for Noblesville was sophomore Mia Blackburn with four goals and one assist for the game.
The junior varsity Millers lost to the Royals by a score of 9-5. Junior goalie Jaclyn Klinger stopped 13 of 22 shots by the Royals to lead the team’s defense. Freshman Reece Wheeler led the scorers with two goals and freshman Mallory Miller lead the team with five draw controls.
The Millers travel to Zionsville on Thursday night for their next game.