Non-residents may pay higher fees to use Saxony Beach

Using Saxony Beach may be more expensive this year for people living outside the City of Fishers.

In the Monday Fishers Board of Public Works meeting, Mayor Scott Fadness appeared to support a non-resident fee for using the beach this year of $5 per person. Fishers Park & Recreation Director Tony Elliot told the Board of Public Works and Safety that roughly 20,000 visits were made to Saxony Beach during 2017, with about 14,000 by non-residents of Fishers.

The mayor and city staff were unsure whether the new $5 fee (maximum $20 for a family) must be enacted through a city ordinance or by the Parks Department administratively. Either way, the mayor backs the higher 2018 fee for Saxony Beach used by nonresidents of Fishers.

The board approved a contract with Edge Adventures to manage Saxony Beach during 2018 for a fee of $85,000.

In other Board of Works actions Monday:

  • Agreements with Fall Creek and Delaware Townships to provide emergency services and fire protection were approved.
  • A contract for auxiliary lanes at Hoosier Road and Brooks School Road received the board’s OK.
  • The board voted to approve the Community Tree Matching Grant distribution.