More than tennis: Noblesville girls play for Great Pyrenees

Noblesville High School Tennis Team & Indy Great Pyrenees Rescue Ambassador, Finn. The girls are wearing shirts they designed to highlight the need to share love with dog rescues. (Photo provided)

Submitted by Pam Boyd

The Noblesville High School Girls Tennis Team has dedicated a portion of its 2024 tennis season to help Indy Great Pyrenees Rescue (IGPR).

Coach Pyle and Coach Oilar met with the team’s seven seniors in December to plan their senior season, including team building activities like goat yoga, teacher appreciation, and a new tradition to highlight a cause special to the graduating seniors. The NHS Girls Tennis Seniors choose to highlight Indy Great Pyrenees Rescue (IGPR) due to their love of dogs and sincere wish to help more of these sweet dogs find their forever homes.

In order to raise awareness and encourage adoption, fostering, donations, and volunteering, the team hosted a Match for a Cause for IGPR and invited the community to attend. The special guest at their Match for a Cause was Finn, a recently adopted Pyrenees, and his new “Mom,” Carrie Huffman, a Noblesville High School Science Teacher.

“Finn was so happy to have been the guest of honor at the IGPR match,” Huffman said. “He loves being an ambassador for the Indiana Great Pyrenees Rescue so more of his fellow fluffos can find forever homes just like he did.”

You can learn more about IGPR and make donations at

There is a national crisis of animals being surrendered to rescues and shelters. Your donations will go towards housing and medical expenses of the IGPR foster dogs.

Great Pyrenees are majestic, intelligent, and loyal family dogs. They are very social and typically get along extremely well with other pets. Great Pyrenees are calm companions and vigilant guardians of their home and families.