Coach Chris Pyle: “one of the best senior classes in Noblesville girls tennis history”

The Noblesville girls tennis team honored its seniors during the Millers’ Senior Night match with Fishers on May 1. Pictured: Josie Flinchum, Becca Kreimer, Allie Stamm, Ava Shoemaker, Lina Hamashuk, Cami Crist, Maren Dean. (Photo provided)


The Noblesville High School girls tennis team held its Senior Night match against Fishers on May 1.

During the match, the Millers honored their seven seniors: Cami Crist, Maren Dean, Josie Flinchum, Lina Hamashuk, Becca Kreimer, Ava Shoemaker, and Allie Stamm. All seven girls have played tennis since middle school and were happy to share their favorite tennis memories including important wins, tournaments, and time with teammates. Their advice to others had a common theme; hard work, good attitude, supporting your fellow teammates, and remembering to have fun.

Noblesville Head Tennis Coach Chris Pyle said, “This is one of the best senior classes in Noblesville girls tennis history. They have a current four-year record of 37-20. They have been a joy to coach the last two years and I wish I got to experience all four. They play year-round, play in tournaments, and get stronger every year. They dedicated a lot of time to making this team the best it has ever been since they were in middle school. I’m very grateful to have coached them all and am excited to see where they end up.”

The 2024 season highlights to date include placing first in the Athenian Booster Invitational and second in the Hoosier Crossroads Conference Tournament, missing first place by only one point.