March news from Carmel Clay Parks & Rec

Celebrating Disability Awareness Month

Everyone has characteristics and unique qualities that make up their personalities. Join Carmel Clay Parks & Rec this month in spreading awareness and teaching the importance of inclusion within every aspect of life. You are encouraged to think about what inclusive living means to you and your family. One way to do this is to understand the importance of putting the individual before the disability by using person-first language.

End the month by enjoying an inclusive theatre production titled, “Super. Every Day!” at 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 24 and at 1 p.m. on Sunday, March 25. This performance is designed for individuals of all ages and abilities to enjoy and features an ensemble of individuals both with and without disabilities whose characters are superheroes who use their powers to save the world. Purchase tickets today by clicking here.

Closure notices

111th Street construction taking place on or after March 12 will cause a road closure between Westfield Boulevard and the Monon Greenway. During this closure, Monon Community Center guests will be unable to reach the west entrance heading west on 111th Street. The 111th Street entrance will still be accessible heading east from College Avenue. This closure, according to the city of Carmel, is expected to last at least 75 days.

The Hagan-Burke Trail between the Carmel Woods Apartments and East 146th Street will continue to be temporarily closed for approximately one more week. In the event of unfavorable weather, the closure may be postponed. This closure is to allow for the temporary re-routing of a sanitary sewer main and work on the primary sewer main. This work is in preparation of the work Hamilton County will be doing for the Lowes Way road project.

Volunteers make a difference

Are you an individual ready to make a difference in your community? Spring opportunities with our Adaptive, Extended School Enrichment and recreation programs are now listed on the volunteer website. Or, are you an organization, club, or company interested in volunteering? Contact Rachael at to see what group projects are available.

Park Stewardship opportunities will begin again soon in full force. Join other volunteers as they continue to improve the trails and woodlands of Carmel’s parks. Volunteers play a key role in keeping the parks a healthy habitat for all, including native plants and animals. Invasive plant species are one such threat impacting the parks.

Garlic Mustard, an invasive plant that takes over space where native plants could thrive begins its growing season in early spring. Volunteer opportunities will soon be listed where you can help hand pull Garlic Mustard. With teamwork and persistence, everyone will make a difference in the city’s parks and greenways. Volunteering is a great way to learn about habitats and wildlife, while helping care for natural resources and connecting with like-minded people. Grab gloves, and come out to volunteer. Check out Park Stewardship opportunities by clicking here.