Racing legend Michael Andretti endorses Brad Chambers for governor


Chambers for Indiana announced Thursday that IndyCar racing legend and Indiana businessman Michael Andretti has endorsed Brad Chambers for governor.


“You have to be thinking outside the box, and about things that haven’t been done,” Andretti said. “That’s how you change things. Brad has proven his ability to do that during his time as Indiana Secretary of Commerce, and I think he’s the right choice for Indiana. The state needs a CEO with a business mind. It’s never been this important to come out and vote, and I urge people to vote for Brad Chambers on May 7.”

“Whether on the track or in the global economy, Michael understands the importance of winning, and that’s exactly what Indiana needs to do,” Chambers said. “I’m grateful for Michael’s support as we kick this campaign into overdrive with a focus on winning on May 7 and then winning for Hoosiers as governor.”

Brad Chambers is a self-made businessman, conservative and political outsider seeking the Republican gubernatorial nomination.

Learn more about the candidate at