County students to walk out over violence

The Reporter has learned that many Hamilton County students will be walking out of class at 10 a.m. on March 14 for 17 minutes in honor of the 17 victims of the February mass shooting in Parkland, Fla., and to call for legislation that responds to gun violence.

Although schools can punish students with an unexcused absence or even suspension for missing class during a protest, Carmel Schools will allow their students to participate in this demonstration without repercussion, according to district spokeswoman Courtney Taylor.

“Carmel High School students have reached out to [the] administration, and we are working with them to allow for their voices to be heard while also being safe,” Taylor said. “We encourage our students to be actively engaged citizens who are knowledgeable about multiple viewpoints surrounding current events. We will be respecting the rights of all students, whether they choose to participate or not.”

Additionally, Westfield Washington Schools will allow their students to participate in an “awareness walk.”

Superintendent Dr. Sherry L. Grate sent a letter to parents stating, “With input from our students, plans are in the works, including an option for awareness walks at Westfield High School and Westfield Middle School to support kindness and safe schools.” Dr. Grate’s full letter appears below.

Noblesville Schools Communications Director Marnie Cooke told The Reporter, “We’re preparing a communication on this for students/parents.”

However, Cooke offered the following statement about school safety in general:

Like all of us, students throughout the country are rightfully troubled about school shootings that have taken place in recent years.

The safety of our students and staff is always our top priority and we have several measures in place to best address emergency situations, should they occur.

We encourage our students to be critical thinkers and thoughtful, engaged citizens. We are working with students on safe and constructive ways that they can express their views and make their voices heard on this important issue.

Hamilton Heights and Hamilton Southeastern Schools have told The Reporter they will make announcements soon.

Sheridan Schools did not respond to The Reporter’s request for information about their own plans to deal with a student walk out.


Westfield Schools letter to parents

Rocks Family,

As a district and as a community, the past few weeks have been heart-wrenching and even tense at some moments, following the tragedy in Parkland, Fla. As you can imagine, an array of emotions have been displayed throughout our country and in our community. It is in our schools, where many of our students find solace and comfort in knowing that love and peace surround them. It is in our schools, where we model the guiding principles of honesty, hard work, responsibility, compassion and respect. It is in our schools that we provide the necessary scaffolding for social and emotional learning, fostering the development of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.

As you may be aware, there has been much discussion about potential national walkout movements over the next few weeks. As a district, we have made two very important decisions in regard to this national movement. First and foremost, we will promote kindness because we know in our hearts that kindness breeds trust and a sense of calm within a culture. Secondly, we will provide developmentally appropriate awareness opportunities for students to express themselves and show support for kindness and safe schools.

With input from our students, plans are in the works, including an option for awareness walks at Westfield High School and Westfield Middle School to support kindness and safe schools. If you are the parent of a WHS or WMS student, you received an email yesterday outlining those plans. These are not parent or community events; they are focused on our students and staff. If your students are younger, there will be no organized awareness walks for this particular event as we are cognizant of the different levels of understanding in different grades.

Please know that we will continue to look closely at our safety policies and procedures and will continue to be vigilant about ensuring a secure and safe learning environment for our students and staff. We appreciate your support as we work to show the impact kindness can have on our community. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your student’s principal or to me.


Dr. Sherry L. Grate

Westfield Schools Superintendent