Milam supporter calls out Altman on new tax

Dear Editor:

On Monday, March 5, Hamilton County Commissioner Altman proposed a NEW TAX for Indy’s road repair in an Indy Star article.

Hamilton County Commissioner Christine Altman suggested a “head” tax on out-of-county employees.

It seems Commissioner Altman has found another NEW tax to love besides the Mass Transit Tax.

We strongly disagree with adding new taxes.

This is why Hamilton County and our cities have a total debt of over $2.2 billion, with Hamilton County alone being $203 million in debt thanks to the spending of Commissioner Altman.

Nine weeks from today you can choose to STOP the Tax and Spend Incumbent!

Matt Milam offers a fresh new direction in working together with our county councilors to hold the line on new taxes and out of control spending.

Rick Smith
