Submitted by Jake Doll
Noblesville Lions Club
The Noblesville Lions Club played host to the District 25D annual convention on March 2 at the Forest Park Inn in Noblesville.
Lions Club International Director Ron Keller spoke to the 80 attendees on the great work Lions are doing here and around the world. During the convention, the Noblesville, Westfield, and Carmel Lions Clubs were all recognized with Club Excellence Awards for the 2022-23 Lions year. Those clubs, and the Wayne-Fall Lions Club, were recognized for positive membership growth during the first half of the 2023-24 Lions year.
Noblesville Lions realized eight new members.
Lions Jeff Kozicki of Noblesville, Christine Woodward of Carmel, and past district governor Dan Wilcox of Westfield received presidential certificates in recognition of their assistance to the district.
Noblesville Lion District Governor Julia Kozicki presided over the election of next year’s officers, including Lion David ‘Rocky’ Simpson of Greentown as next year’s district governor.