Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council applauds passage of House Bill 1002 in Indiana House


The Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) commends Thursday’s 83-0 passage of House Bill 1002 in the Indiana House of Representatives as a significant step toward combatting antisemitism in Indiana.

The bipartisan support garnered in the Indiana House reflects a shared commitment to addressing this pressing issue and providing for a safe, inclusive environment for Jewish Hoosiers.

HB 1002, which will add the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Antisemitism into the Indiana education code, is the culmination of extensive collaboration and advocacy by JCRC alongside dedicated partners and supporters. JCRC expresses its appreciation to the legislature for this legislation and its steadfast dedication to combatting antisemitism.

“We must define antisemitism if we are to counter antisemitism,” JCRC Executive Director Jacob Markey said. “This legislation provides a universal definition that will align Indiana with a widely accepted standard.”

According to the Anti-Defamation League, antisemitic incidents have risen over 350 percent in the months following the Oct. 7, 2023, terrorist attack in Israel. Many of these incidents are occurring in K-12 classrooms and on college campuses, with some administrators and professors turning a blind eye.

“Sadly, in 21st century America and in our own state, Jewish students are being targeted and are afraid to be who they are,” JCRC Board President Jamie Ratner Rich said. “It is unconscionable and antithetical to our deeply held Hoosier values.”

JCRC urges Senators to recognize the urgency of addressing antisemitism and to pass HB 1002 without delay. Doing so will send a powerful message that antisemitism has no place in society.