Don’t brush off the winter blues

Guest Columnist

We are once again facing the start of winter and shorter days ahead. There is less sunshine, and the cold weather can keep us inside leading to less activity and social engagement.

These colder months can carry stress around planning, family events, and the holidays; but you may be feeling more than just the holiday or winter blues.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Like the seasons, moods can change over the course of a year. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that tends to start right around the seasonal changes of late fall/early winter (i.e., the “winter blues”).

With shorter days, there is less sunlight for you to soak up. SAD is thought to be caused by a lack of light, serotonin, and Vitamin D. Symptoms can include:

  • Loss of interest in activities you typically enjoy
  • Lower energy
  • Feeling sluggish or agitated
  • Challenges with sleeping
  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Difficulty concentrating

SAD affects up to 5 percent of Americans in the winter. Having depression puts someone at higher risk for SAD symptoms. In 2022 the CDC’s Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System showed 22.8 percent of adults in Indiana had ever been told they have a form of depression. Brushing these symptoms off as merely temporary and not actively treating them can result in more prolonged mental health issues down the road.

Beat the winter blues

Do not brush these symptoms off as the “winter blues” – there are treatments that can help you be intentional and enjoy life in the winter. Treatments can help improve SAD symptoms, including:

  • Light therapy: If weather keeps you from being out in the natural light, consider easy-to-use light therapy boxes and lamps. The light simulates outdoor sunshine.
  • Psychotherapy: Setting up sessions to speak with a licensed therapist can give you the tools to navigate SAD symptoms. A great site to search for support is gov/bewellindiana.
  • Vitamin D: We all need it, especially during the winter. Sunshine is one of the best sources of vitamin D but when the weather gets in the way, vitamin D supplements are a great alternative. You can also pack your day with vitamin D rich foods, like salmon, egg yolks and mushrooms.
  • Antidepressant medications: Consider talking to your health care provider about the possibility of prescription antidepressants.

We know we will likely feel better as the longer days return with more sun, warmer weather, and opportunities to be outside. However, acknowledging the shift in your current behavior and emotional wellbeing is an important step. Letting symptoms linger without treatment beyond the typical winter period can result in more prolonged mental health issues.

If symptoms persist or make it difficult to get motivated to do the things you usually enjoy doing, it may be time to reach out to a mental health professional or your family doctor.

If depressive symptoms worsen or include thoughts of suicide, call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline for immediate help at 988.

Dr. Cara Hannemann is a Fishers resident and clinical psychologist with the Indiana Hemophilia & Thrombosis Center in Indianapolis. Dr. Hannemann helps patients navigate the complex mental health issues that can coincide with their rare and chronic bleeding and blood disorders.