Marion Township board & trustee support Sheridan Schools operating referendum

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Editor’s note: The following letter from the Marion Township Board and Trustee in Boone County was written to the Sheridan Community Schools Board of Trustees and sent to The Reporter for publication.

We are writing to show our support for the upcoming education referendum in November.

We have completed our due diligence in understanding how the referendum affects the constituents of Marion Township. This is an essential cost that must be continued to ensure that Sheridan Community Schools remain competitive, relevant, and effective.

We appreciate the research and effort of the School Board of Trustees to confirm the return of investment to our taxpayers. The Marion Township Advisory Board and Trustee fully support your efforts. We encourage all the citizens of Marion Township to support the referendum on Nov. 7.

Marion Township Board of Boone County
Barton Grinstead, President
Robert Boone, Secretary
John Padgett, Member
Michael J Morgan, Trustee