Carmel continues to show solidarity with Israel

Photo provided by City of Carmel

Carmel city officials took action to show support for those who have been affected by the invasion of Israel by working with Blockhouse Media to project an image of the Israeli flag onto the Palladium via Pallidscope.


“Israel has been invaded by an Iranian-backed military force,” Mayor Jim Brainard said. “I condemn this barbaric attack on our friend and ally. I stand with the people of Israel and am praying for those on the ground. Isolationism is not an option for our country, the leader of the free world. We must help our allies defend liberty and freedom, in the Middle East, in Ukraine and around the globe. To do otherwise shows weakness which endangers not only our allies but our country and our people. I suggest our Members of Congress put partisan politics aside and come together to send a strong message to terrorists and dictators attacking Israel and Ukraine.”