Carmel announces updated Palladiscope hours

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Starting Friday, Oct. 6, Palladiscope in Carmel will have its first show time of Eos: The First Dawn at 8:30 p.m. and will run every half hour with the final show beginning at 11 p.m.

A new Palladiscope projection will debut soon and will play throughout the holiday season.

Palladiscope is a one-of-a-kind, custom-made viewing system designed to play architectural cinema. Created specifically for the Palladium. It consists of 12 projectors, customized software and components that make visual experiences like Eos: The First Dawn possible. Just as CinemaScope was an enhanced way to view movies, projecting them at a larger size, Palladiscope takes that idea even further by moving beyond the screen and onto the architecture of the Palladium.

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