Public invited to learn about local solar incentives

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Dear Editor:

Hoosiers are tired of dirty fossil fuel-burning power plants preventing our children and grandchildren from accessing clean air and water. We would much rather see Indiana invest in a clean, resilient, and equitable energy system that benefits all Hoosiers.

If we join together to fight for our energy rights, we can make our energy future bright with solar.

The Fishers Solar Congress event hosted by Solar United Neighbors is a great opportunity for Hoosiers to join together to learn more about solar energy and how we fight for our energy rights. The event on Thursday, Sept. 28, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Sand Creek Intermediate School is a free public conference where local solar homeowners and supporters can learn about local solar incentives and policies and take action to expand solar access in their community.

Hoosiers attending this event can learn how we can all work together to reduce the need for dirty power plants and provide the next generation with cleaner air and water. I hope to see many of my fellow Hoosiers and our legislators join me at the Fishers Solar Congress.


Monica Cannaley