Noblesville & Zionsville Lions conduct acuity tests at Noble Crossing & White River schools

Photos provided

On Sept. 5 and 7, the Noblesville and Zionsville Lions Clubs donated time for visual acuity testing at Noble Crossing and White River Elementary. This is testing required by the State of Indiana and saves time for school nurses. Any discrepancies noted in the students are passed along to the parents.

(Above left) Noble Crossing testing was conducted by Lions Kathy Ravenstien, Gregg Barth, Donna Fisher, Walt Scheid, Bill Kurtz, Kennedy Penwell, Gary Hipes, Lee Ann Balta, Lois Whitehead, and Steve Shaw.

(Above right) White River Elementary testing was conducted by Lions Gary Hipes, Dan Dumbauld, Walt Scheid, Kathy Ravenstien, Andy Luckey, Kennedy Penwell, Lee Ann Balta, Josh Kozicki, Chery Helton, Vicki Neddenreip, and Steve Shaw.