Good News from the Stony Creek Church of Christ

Help! I’m looking for a “church home” (Part 2)

This is the second column in a series that will investigate how one might search for and find a church that pleases God. It is my desire that these articles will challenge your thinking and lead you to important Biblical truth.

In making our decision as to the church we will become a part of one of the things we need to investigate is who is the head of that church. One of the next questions you will face is who is the head of the church that you read about in the New Testament. Using your Bible and Bible alone, what will you discover? To whom will you owe allegiance? Who possesses all authority in the New Testament church?

What does the Bible say about who is the Head of the church?

Your search through the Bible will lead you to one understand that there is only one logical conclusion: JESUS CHRIST IS THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH.

There is room for only one Head. If Jesus Christ has all authority, then there isn’t any left for anyone else. Everything that we do religiously must meet with His approval and must be authorized by Him. If we cannot find a “thus saith the Lord” then we must avoid that practice for it does not come from the Head.

If Jesus is the Head of the church, then we must reject all human heads regardless of the form they take. Gone are all the human leaders, synods, councils, districts, church presidents, and any other form of human authority. Search for yourself and see what your find.

What does the Bible say about when the church began?

There are a great number of different religious institutions that are fairly recent in origin. As you search for the church of the New Testament, the one that you know will please the Lord, you might ask the question, when did this one begin? This will help you identify the New Testament church. Using a Bible alone, what will you find? In Matthew 16:18 you discover that Jesus promised to build His church. From this passage you learn two important facts:


Your continued search leads you to Mark 9:1 in which Jesus states that the kingdom, the church (Col. 1:13) was to come during the lifetime of those listening to Him at that moment. This adds one more important clue: the church founded by and purchased by Jesus was established in the first century.

Moving on into the book of Acts, you discover two important passages that help you narrow down the time of the church’s beginning. In Acts 2:41 men were added to the church, and in Acts 8:1-3 the church was scattered about because of persecution. Thus, we must conclude that the church of the New Testament was established no earlier than the end of the life of Christ and no later than Pentecost (Acts 2).

A careful study of Acts 2 and the prophecies fulfilled on that day lead us to conclude that the church purchased and established by Jesus Christ had its beginning on that day – no sooner and no later. Gone then are all the churches that had their beginnings after this time. They are obviously not the church founded by Jesus Christ. Thus, we look for a church whose only head is Jesus Christ and whose practices, doctrines, and organization had its beginning on Pentecost. Search for yourself and see what you find!

What does the Bible say about the creed book used by the church?

Once again using your Bible alone, you set out to find the answer to another important religious question.

Having discovered the Head (Jesus Christ), the time of its beginning (Pentecost), and the various descriptions used of church found in the New Testament, you next turn to its creed book. What, if any book, contained the basic beliefs of this church?

A studious search of the New Testament will reveal the following information about the New Testament:

  • IT IS COMPLETE (JAMES 1:25; 2 PETER 1:3)
  • IT IS ETERNAL (MATT. 24:35; 1 PETER 1:23-25)
  • IT IS “GOD-BREATHED” (2 TIM. 3:16-17; 1 COR. 2:7-13)

In this list of references two seem to be of particular importance. First, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnishes unto all good works.” This passage tells us that the Bible, which came from God, will make man perfect. The word perfect does not have the meaning that we commonly give it today. In Bible times it simply meant complete, mature, or well-rounded. Can we hope to be better than that? It will also thoroughly furnish man unto every good work. In other words, it will make it possible for us to do everything that God wants us to do. Can we do any better?

The second passage of special importance is Romans 1:16. The Bible contains the “Gospel” (1 Cor. 15:1-4) which is God’s power to save. Do we then have any need of another revelation or book of belief? Obviously not! The Bible also contains some warnings concerning the use of other “religious writings.” In 1 Cor. 4:6, we are told “not to exceed what is written” (NASV). 2 John 9 tells us not to go beyond the doctrine of Christ and that if we do, we do not have the Father or the Son. Rev. 22:18-19 warns us not to tamper with the Word either by adding or subtracting. Gone then are all the churches that use and promote man-written creeds, man-written articles of faith, church manuals, church constitutions and such like. By going beyond the Bible, they show themselves to be foreign to the Bible.

Write or call and let us know what you think. Would you like more information about the church found in the New Testament? I would love to accommodate your request. Do you have questions or disagreements? I will be happy to study God’s Word with you and help you find the “peace that passes understanding” (Philippians 4:7).

I hope you will accept our offer to visit and investigate. We meet at 15530 Herriman Blvd., Noblesville. Our phone number is (317) 219-5852. We meet for Sunday morning Bible Study at 10 a.m. and have classes for all ages. Worship begins at 11 a.m. and we have a Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m. A warm welcome awaits!