Jennifer Hayden, who is currently serving as the Hamilton County Recorder, will seek re-election in the May 8 primary.
Hayden began serving the community in the fall 1984 working in the Hamilton County Recorder’s office where she has continually remained. During her 33-and-a-half years with the county, Hayden has been instrumental in the implementation of computerizing the office; converting the microfilm to digital images; preservation and restoration of the historical records for perpetuity as well as the addition of electronic filing of documents. “I am dedicated and devoted to maintaining and preserving the records of Hamilton County,” stated Hayden.
Hayden is a long-time resident of Hamilton County. She graduated from Sheridan High School in 1983. She has been married to David Hayden, a retired sheriff deputy, for 24 years and they reside in Noblesville. Together they have four adult children.
She is active in the Indiana Recorders Association where she has served on the Legislative, Technology and Directory committees as well as the East Central District Vice President. Hayden is currently serving as Secretary on the Executive Board. In 2010, Ms. Hayden was chosen as the Outstanding County Recorder of the year by her fellow Recorders and she was also presented the 2010 Indiana Recorder of the year by the Association of Indiana Counties.
“I seek your support for re-election and I look forward to continuing my service to the citizens of Hamilton County,” Hayden said.