Overwhelming support at Tony Etchison Memorial Foundation golf tournament

The Tony Etchison Foundation presented a $5,000 check to the Tom & Soni Sheehan Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville at the Foundation’s second annual Tony Etchison Memorial Foundation Golf Tournament, which took place Monday at Fox Prairie Golf Club in Noblesville. The check will be used to benefit the Club’s outdoor youth programs at Camp Crosser. (From left) John Stretch, board member of both the Boys & Girls Club and the Tony Etchison Memorial Foundation; Tony Eslamirad, BGCN Community Center Director; Toby Etchison, Tony Etchison Memorial Foundation board member; Nathan Helm, BGCN Director of Development. (Photo provided)

Foundation makes $5,000 donation to Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville



NOBLESVILLE – The rain stayed away for most of the afternoon at Fox Prairie Golf Club on Monday.

Tony Etchison may have had a say in that. It was his golf tournament that was taking place that day, or formally, the second annual Tony Etchison Memorial Foundation Golf Tournament. The event raises money for the foundation, of which the primary mission is “to continue to show love, kindness, and to make a difference in the lives of community youth to empower children to reach the highest potential for their lives,” according to its website (www.etch21.com).

The first tournament took place last year and was very successful, and this year’s second annual tournament continued that trend. Toby Etchison, Tony’s wife, said there were 38 foursomes that played in the tournament, and board member Jody Roudebush said that a total net of $30,000 to $35,000 was raised at the end of the evening.

“Incredible,” said Toby Etchison. “And overwhelming and humbling to say the least.”

Toby Etchison also said there were around 30 volunteers that came out to help with the event, “that came out willing on their own just because they wanted to be a part of it and really, to be honest, because they love Tony so much. It was, again, another humbling experience that so many people were out here because they believed in what Tony felt so strongly about, giving back and helping the kids and helping their families.”

Tony Etchison’s family met with the groups during the tournament. Pictured: Tillman Etchison, Bobby Allen, Pete Smith, Scott Fleming, Brian Spacey, Toby Etchison. (Richie Hall)

At the start of the tournament, the Foundation donated $5,000 to the Tom & Soni Sheehan Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville. Those funds will be used to benefit the Club’s outdoor youth programs at Camp Crosser. In addition, Lilly announced a match of the donation, making it a total of $10,000.

“I keep saying overwhelming and humbling, but it’s an honor and a gift to be able to give back to those who are in need or those that are just wanting something special,” said Toby Etchison. “Like being able to go to camp. That’s a luxury for a lot of families and kids to be able to send their kids to camp. So to me, it’s a blessing to be able to provide that for so many people.

“It’s just weird, because he did things so quietly, and sometimes I didn’t even know what he had done for so many people. It blesses me and it brings me a little joy, makes him feel closer. It makes me proud, very proud.”

The Foundation started in December 2019, several weeks after Tony Etchison died in a farming accident. The Foundation’s principles are based on Tony’s motto of “Love everyone, be kind and make a difference.” The board members on the Foundation make sure to adhere to that motto.

“Jody is a rock star,” said Toby Etchison. “He is amazing what he has done with this and the passion that he has put into it. My board is absolutely amazing, because they all do it because of Tony. And this is their way of honoring him. And it’s also a way of grieving, to be able to still be thinking of him, and putting this together is a form, I wouldn’t say grief, but it kind of helps you to heal. And I think for my friends and our family and our board, it’s a form of healing for them.”

In addition to the golf tournament, there was also a putting contest. Pictured from left are Brian Doak, Hunter Doak and Ross Andis. (Richie Hall)

Toby Etchison said that the day “is very hard because of why we’re doing it. But when it’s all said and done, and I see all these people here and they’re smiling and they’re telling me stories about Tony, it just warms my heart.”

The tournament winner was Empire Outdoor Solutions, which consisted of Jacob Deakyne, Michael Podzielinski, Nick Holder and Kasey Lilly. The runner-up team was Roudy for Etch, with Jody Roudebush, Riley Roudebush, Ethan Roudebush and Matt Heimonen playing on that foursome.