Nickel Plate Express temporarily closes for track maintenance, promises exciting fall reopening

Nickel Plate Express, a beloved non-profit organization offering memorable train experiences, announced on July 2 that it will temporarily close during July and August to complete essential track work. The organization is dedicated to ensuring the safety and comfort of its passengers, and this maintenance period will allow Nickel Plate Express to continue providing unforgettable journeys.

Although the temporary closure may cause some disappointment among train enthusiasts, the exciting news is that Nickel Plate Express will be back in full swing starting September with an incredible fall lineup of train rides. Passengers can look forward to a diverse range of experiences, from scenic trips showcasing the beauty of autumn foliage to themed excursions that cater to a variety of interests.

Nickel Plate Express is deeply committed to preserving and sharing the rich history of rail travel and creating unique, immersive experiences for its guests. The organization would like to extend its gratitude to the community for their ongoing support and understanding during this maintenance period.

In anticipation of the fall reopening, Nickel Plate Express encourages the public to keep an eye on and social media channels for updates about the upcoming schedule and ticket availability. September will be here before you know it, and the Nickel Plate Express team is working diligently to ensure a safe and enjoyable return to the rails.

About Nickel Plate Express
Nickel Plate Express is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the history of rail travel and providing memorable train experiences for all ages. With a range of themed excursions and scenic trips, Nickel Plate Express offers guests a unique and immersive journey through the countryside. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit