Atlanta blacksmith Kurt Fehrenbach forges a path for next generation

It brings Kurt Fehrenbach joy to see a youngster learning to strike the iron while it’s hot. (Photo by WISH-TV)


In Atlanta, Ind., Kurt Fehrenbach is teaching people how to forge their own way – literally.

“People kept asking for it, and I taught a class and they wouldn’t quit,” Fehrenbach said. “This has been going on four years. I just throw challenges at them every week, and they make something.”

Kurt started manipulating metal at just 10 years old. More than five decades later, he still loves it just as much.

“The excitement is working the hot metal and accomplishing something,” he said. “And your next project is always a little more challenging, more challenging, and you’re never done learning.”

His shop on a Thursday night is full of the next crop of blacksmiths soaking up every bit of information they can.

His youngest students are just 10 years old. “Just having to work hard and having that sense of fulfillment at the end of the day,” said Noah Hickman.

“I just like hitting stuff with a hammer,” said Arlo Richardson.

In a time when kids spend more time forging forts in video games, they’re learning a trade that isn’t as common as it once was.

“Blacksmithing is fun,” Hickman said. “More fun than sitting at the house playing video games.”

“You can put your own mark onto it and make it whatever you want,” Richardson said.

Fehrenbach says it brings him joy to see a younger generation learning to strike the iron while it’s hot.

“I’m passing the trade on,” he said. “You know, I won’t be here forever. The young ones will be here a long time, and this will help pass it down the line to other people and keep it alive.”

The kids have a plan for their new found skills. “It’s something I want to make a career out of, it’s Kurt’s career.” Hickman said.

“It’s a great life, it’s rewarding just by the satisfaction of making something, it’s rewarding seeing these guys learn.” Fehrenbach said. “I can’t think of anything else to do.”

Click here to watch the 3 minute, 37 second segment that aired on WISH-TV News 8.