26 steps to good writing

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Step 1: Sit down.

Step 2: Stand up.

Step 3: Go to cabinet for Fritos.

Step 4: Repeat Step 1.

Step 5: Hate self for eating Fritos.

Step 6: Think to self, “There are still more Fritos in cabinet.”

Step 7: Repeat Step 2 and Step 3.

Step 8: Go to gym to overcome Frito guilt.

Step 9: Think to self, “I should have Fritos to reward myself for going to gym.”

Step 10: Repeat Step 3.

Step 11: Repeat Step 1.

Step 12: Move sleeping cat off laptop keyboard.

Step 13: Think to self: “Wait a minute! I don’t even own a cat!”

Step 14: Close front door accidentally left open when going to gym, which enabled stray, feral cat to enter.

Step 15: Repeat Step 11.

Step 16: Think of first word to type.

Step 17: Type the word “The.”

Step 18: Delete “The” and replace with “A.”

Step 19: Replace “A” with “The.”

Step 20: Delete “A.” Type “I.” First person is best.

Step 21: Ponder second word until becoming distracted by Frito finger grease on keys.

Step 22: Repeat Step 3.

Step 23: Remove Frito-crumb-faced stray, feral cat from cabinet. Deal with disappointment at finding Fritos bag empty. Remind self to close cabinet door next time so cat doesn’t get in.

Step 24: Repeat Step 1.

Step 25: Repeat Step 12.

Step 26: Lick Frito grease from keyboard when cat not looking.

Step 27: Look at letter “I” on computer screen.

Step 28: Feel pleased with first word choice for new column. “I” is a good start. It opens you up for great opportunity.

Step 29: Remember Hemingway’s advice on writing: “When you are going good, stop writing.”

Step 30: Stop writing.

Step 31: Save file.

Step 32: Repeat Step 1 tomorrow. See where it takes you.

What can I say? Column writing is not pretty.

Email Scott at scottsaalman@gmail.com or follow him on Twitter @SaalmanScott.