July 2024


Our funny friend in Fishers, Scott Saalman, starts his column this week with, “So many books, so little time.” Change the word “books” to “festivals” and that’s what The Reporter…


Carmel had the rainiest parade on record on July 4 (Editor’s note: Mr. Weatherman’s address is available upon request). Lucky for us, The Reporter’s own Anna Mitchell took all her…

Stars & Stripes Forever in Noblesville

Storms swept through Hamilton County twice on Thursday: once in the morning and once in the evening. Between those two rounds of rain, Noblesville had the only dry 4th of…

Cicero’s Lights Over Morse Lake

We never really thought about it before, but there are some striking similarities between Cicero and Fishers (note the collective groan you can hear coming from both places right now…

Westfield Rocks the 4th

Rock on, Westfield! You got hammered by rain right at the beginning of your Westfield Rocks the 4th festival, but that did nothing to dampen the spirits of anyone there….