Backpacking bearanoia

By JUNE SEVERSON Guest Columnist “Scaramouch” columnist Scott Saalman is in such awe of this column written by June Severson that he decided to step aside to give Reporter readers…

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Sheridan shows off its historical assets

Several members of the Hamilton County Historical Society (HCHS) recently took time for a special visit to the Sheridan Historical Society’s (SHS) Museum on Main Street and to the George…

CCPR awarded for adaptive program series

Submitted Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation (CCPR) recently received the Inclusion Program of Excellence Award at the annual Indiana Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) conference. This award recognizes a parks and…

Local ASC employees honored for excellence & dedication

Twenty-six American Senior Communities (ASC) employees from communities throughout the greater Indianapolis area were among 99 employees statewide honored for their outstanding service to patients and residents during ASC’s 23nd…