March 2022

Neither a techie nor a fashionista

By JANET HART LEONARD From the Hart Sometimes understanding technology is truly like understanding rocket science. I am challenged. Tuesday afternoon I sent a text to my oh-so-smart daughter-in-law, Angie:…

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Sheridan welcomes author Donna Cronk

Author Donna Cronk recently spoke at the Sheridan Public Library about her featured book, There’s a Clydesdale in the Attic: Reflections on Keeping and Letting Go. Cronk presented some of…

Happy retirement, K-9 Moxy!

Congratulations to K-9 Moxy on her retirement and thank you for your service. Moxy and her handler, Deputy Biddle, worked together since she was six weeks old training in obedience,…

The struggles of lifting

By ERICH RETZ Sheridan High School Student The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams. Lifting can be…