September 2020

Plenty of fall fun at Fishers AgriPark

The end of the growing season is nearing at the Fishers AgriPark, but there is much to explore. If you’re planning to visit, be sure to check out the following:…

Good health depends on hope

Be Well “Just as man cannot live without dreams, we cannot live without hope. If dreams reflect the past, hope summons the future.” – Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor Some of…

Welcome to Carmel, Kelly and Milo!

By DENISE MOE For the Reporter One hour before this photograph was taken, Kelly Kelle had just signed on the dotted line and got her new set of keys, literally…

Braun: Make targeting police a federal crime

U.S. Senator Mike Braun (R-Ind.) has signed onto Senator Tom Tillis’ (R-N.C.) Protect and Serve Act, which would make violence or attempted violence against police officers a federal crime. “Criminals…