August 2020

Westfield Playhouse moves downtown

Members of Main Street Productions (MSP) Board of Directors were on hand Friday afternoon to make a final walkthrough of the new Westfield Playhouse, 202 N. Union St., and arrange…

Late adult Easter egg hunt in Sheridan

Though there was spotty rain on Saturday afternoon, approximately 250 people showed up at Blackhawk Winery, 28153 Ditch Road, Sheridan, for the belated 2020 Adult Easter Egg Hunt. The event…

Get outside, grill with confidence

A Cut Above Catering recently presented, in cooperation with their friends at Fischer Farms, a “Grill Skills” cooking class at the restaurant’s Carmel location. Participants got two hours of culinary…

When did Santa Claus Land open?

This week in Indiana’s history … 1802 – William Conner established a trading post on the west fork of the White River in Central Indiana. He found success in the…