Soccer sectional schedule

Here is a complete list of times and dates for this coming week’s soccer sectionals that involve Hamilton County teams. Be sure to read the Reporter all this week for…

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Cicero Kiwanis partners with New Earth Festival

The Cicero Kiwanis Club served over 280 individuals at its first annual breakfast at last weekend’s New Earth Festival in Atlanta. The hearty breakfast, conducted at the local community center,…

Champions, buddies teach in Noblesville

Three teachers at Noblesville West Middle School (NWMS) have been nominated as Champions of the Year in the Best Buddies program for their work fostering a positive and inclusive environment…

Not an emergency

From the Heart “If this is an emergency, please hang up and call 911.” Have you called a doctor lately? I don’t know if the above command is a regulation…

County GOP women have Grand discussion

The Hamilton County Federated Republican Women (HCFRW) met at Grand Park’s Grandstands Sports Club on Thursday evening for a program called, “Influential Republican Women.” Republican women spoke about what to…

Sheridan Pinners make baby blankets

Every fall the local Sheridan Pinterest club members do a fleece blanket project for Riverview Health. The small fleece blankets are donated for use in the NICU unit and the…