2018 can be a year of progress for Noblesville

Noblesville Common Council President


Last year, I celebrated my 15-year Noblesville High School class reunion. If you had told me 15 years ago at Noblesville High School that I would, one day, serve as President of the city council, I would have said you were crazy. Funny how life works.

I am certain 2018 has a lot in store for our beloved city. From Finch Creek to Dillon Park and all points in between, we see great opportunity for investment in the true gem of Hamilton County. Our goal as a council is to find ways to embrace Noblesville’s historic charm while still progressing and adapting to the needs of our community.

With the Pleasant Street corridor under design, our infrastructure map will soon drastically change. This project remains a top priority for the council. You do not need to spend but one rush hour on State Road 32 to realize that we need better mobility in our city. With the improvements to State Road 37 project well underway, our ability to navigate Noblesville will soon be much easier. Infrastructure projects are expensive, and investing tax dollars wisely is a big concern.

We look forward to great enhancements to our downtown. While other communities seek to build downtowns, we have an authentic one. With new restaurants like Grindstones Public House and Bru Burger, our goal is to keep downtown Noblesville a key attraction for visitors and residents. The new Downtown Development Committee is also on the verge of designing ways to enhance streetscapes to add additional “wow factor” to our downtown.

Finally, the backbone of any strong community is public safety and job creation. We must continue to invest in and focus on the opioid epidemic gripping our city, county and state. Equipping our first responders with the best training and tactics is essential. Also, focusing on the jobs of tomorrow helps ensure that the next generation of Millers have a place (and job) to come home to. While we have a low unemployment rate in Noblesville currently, we must continue to look for the jobs of tomorrow to remain competitive in our ever evolving economy.

Again, serving on the city council has truly been an honor and privilege. To work every day on behalf of 60,000 residents to move Noblesville forward is my mission and one that I do not take lightly. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or ideas. Thank you for allowing me to serve this great community.